Insula Capital Group

A Beautiful View From A Stylish Wooden House

Close Your New Construction Loan in Baltimore, MD Today!

Private money lenders like Insula Capital Group understand the typical needs of a construction project. It’s easy to see why contractor wages, land acquisition costs, and permits are hard to pay off in a city like Baltimore. Regardless, investing in local real estate can still give you some great returns on investment.

Our new construction loans carry a 1-year term and offer flexible terms for Baltimore investors. You can use them to finance up to 100% of the construction costs involved in your 1-4 property building project.

Why Choose Insula Capital Group?

It’s important to find a private money lender that you can rely on in Baltimore. Insula Capital Group is a good choice because we have been in business for over 30 years. Our team of expert underwriters prioritizes transparency over all else. That’s why we don’t apply any junk fees or prepayment penalties.

You can check out our other loan programs, too. We offer fix &flip financing, residential rental loans, and multifamily & mixed-use loans. You can find out how we’ve helped previous clients by visiting our just-funded projects page. Read our FAQs for more information about our new construction loans in Baltimore, MD, below.

Rental property documents passing by one another hand

Just Funded Projects

We are a leading nationwide private lender & real estate investment company.

Small Black House Icon Image

Multifamily/Mixed Use

cartoon image of a calculator

Fix & Flip Calculator

Small Yellow and Red House Icon Image

Fix & Flip Financing

Icon Image Of Tractor In Yellow

New Construction

Hand holding money bag from private money lenders and financial document with a red pen.

Hard Money Loan

Icon Image Of House and A Hand With Keys

Residential Rental Program (Buy & Hold)

Private Lending Done Right.

A leading nationwide private lender & real estate investment company.

Frequently Asked Questions

No. You can use your new construction loan to purchase the land.

You will be required to make interest-only payments during the construction process. The total principal amount repayment will be required after the construction process finishes and before the loan term ends.

We determine your interest rate after conducting an initial interview. It is based on factors like your credit score and payment history.

Living Area Of Beautiful House

Apply for Our Loan Programs Online

We accept online applications to make the loan application process easy for you. You can simply download our forms and submit your full application through our website! If you would like to discuss anything with our team, feel free to contact us directly.